Grupp: Huvudforum


2013-12-16 00:21:58

Yup, some A-hole decided to copy the signals and sell them.

I have nothing wrong with selling trade signals. I used the Crash Canary to show the world that what I do is real. It's not that get rich crap that promises instant riches, but never works..

And investors would then subscribe to the world-wide Atlas Order with 2x the performance.

All was well. It's been win-win.

But then they stole my intellectual property.

It's taken years of blood, sweat, and tears to learn how the markets work, and then someone comes along and rips me off. I'm pissed.

The results have been amazing since we started. The past several months have been among the best of the past decade. I hope you made lots of money:

:Dan murphy 15/12

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